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Sometimes I Get Real Overzealous

Sometimes I Get Real Overzealous


I'm  two weeks late but hey, better late then never, and word on the street is it's a new year! So new year new me and all that jazz (haha. haha.) But really, this year I've made it my sole/only realistically achievable goal to blog more, or else so help me god, I will self shame myself by dying my hair back to that unfortunate cheddar cheese color and forcibly internet shaming via photos. I think that New Years resolutions are a really lovely idea. However they can sometimes be very elaborate and condescending, at least where I'm concerned. I'm a very list oriented person, who has psychotic tendencies to list the tiniest things out, such what time I intend on waking up each day, as well when I want to see people; into my schedule weeks in advance. Growing up, at the end of each December I would list out my various New Years resolutions with small intentions, such as brokering world peace, never fighting with my brother again, writing 3 novels, building my hamster a fully operational bicycle, knitting my house a sweater, and so and so on. Needless to say; little to none of it ever came to fruition. I think it's the obvious let down of seeing so little come true that makes one need to lower the bar and be more realistic. It's not that I achieve so little throughout my year such that my resolutions needed to become dummy-level, but that within these lists, I had bitten off more that I could chew. This year, my resolutions were not done frivolously and for the sake of saying I had done them. I put in serious thought, as I have had a pretty rough 2015 and wanted no trace of it leftover in my 2016. This year I had simple goals in the form of meditating for ten minutes every day, trying at writing a short journal entry every night, blogging at least one a week (plz), being generally grateful, and trying to figure out what it is that makes me happy. Yes it may sound suspiciously like I'm about to embark on some sort of Eat, Love, Pray scenario. Leave me be! I will definitely be keeping this *space* updated although I can't promise it'll always be sane. xoxox smize 4ever!

Brunch at Colette

Brunch at Colette

Talking Skincare

Talking Skincare