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Talking Skincare

Talking Skincare

Now I am by no means an aspiring beauty blogger, nor am I someone who should ever teach someone how to properly execute a smokey eye, as a preschooler would probably do a better job. However, as someone who has long suffered from what I always thought of as apocalyptic level pizza-face up until approximately my second year of university, I taught myself two things. Those being how to cover that shizz up, and how to care for my skin in a way that would fight back at any amount of bacteria chilling upon my visage. Nowadays, I have much better skin but still have minor breakouts, and consider a day where I have 85% clear skin a day marked by the gods. Throughout learning what works and doesn't work for my skin, I became meticulous about doing research, reading reviews, using samples, and turned into what some might call a junkie. Nowadays, a lot of products go on my face, sales people at Sephora make fun of me, (shoutout to Josh at Eatons location) and I spend the equivalent of a small nations GDP on facial skincare. I have refined it down to an almost scientific process, with a delicate and ladylike 57 steps to the process. Behold my disturbingly awful beauty product photography skills. ENJOY!


Now I know what you're thinking: "Here we go, another human who is obsessed with coconut oil. #congratulationsworld." NO. PLEASE. WAIT. DON'T RUN. Being South Asian, I was brought up to think that without putting coconut oil in your hair twice a month, you would literally go bald and resemble Danny DeVito. However now that I'm an adult, I know you can also swish it around in your mouth for a cheap teeth whitening fix (after extended use duh), use it as a moisturizer, lip balm, and makeup remover. Basically just keep a jar within arms reach. Always.


Because in theory no one should ever be sleeping with their makeup on blah blah blah

The Holy Grail. I was introduced to this by my friend Michelle, and her skin is so perfect that it makes me cry whenever I see her, so if it's good enough Perfect Skin People, it's good enough for me. It takes all sorts of makeup, gunk, and daily buildup off, sometimes enough so that I skip face-wash.


I once snagged a tube of Embryolisse while in Paris, and ever since then, I've been hooked. Although I find it too heavy for year-round use, I use this cream exclusively in the winter, as its locks in the skins natural moisture, and is thick enough that its a great barrier for extremely cold weather, while not being so greasy that it clogs your pores. And it smells like lil oranges!


Tbh, at first I wasn't exactly sure what this did, but after some investigating and further usage, I realized it gives you some nice pore minimization and mattifying results and is good for days when you have a sneaking feeling your face will be showing up on Instagram later.


Some people may think that slathering your face in greasy oil on the regz is hella nasty, and sure, they may about 90% right, but you reap the rewards back in full. I personally have been using vitamin e oil in my night time skin regime since I was in high school, and I fully credit it with getting rid of any residual acne scarring I had, minimizing any uneven skin pigmentation, and keeping my skin forever youthful at the ripe old age of 23. Once in a while people very kindly comment on the state of my glowy/borderline reflective skin, and I can reveal with no shame that the secret to being as iridescent as a disco ball in an ABBA video is indeed putting vitamin e on your face :)


Like crack for under your eyes, pop this on your under eye bags when you wake up, and the slightly pinkish tones will cover up any hideous grey/green/yellowy coloring and help you fake being a functional and awake human being for at least 64% of your day. I like to apply it with my ring finger and pretend that I am royal and fancy. Don't feel pressured to do this.


This photo is not my greatest work but wearing sunblock err day IS!!!!! If you wanna look like a PYT/trap queen at age 50 do yourself a huge favor and get your hands on a quality non-greasy sunblock with at least an SPF 30 and put it on every day. Yes. Winter too. Snow reflects sunlight which will land on your face, genius!!! I literally did not believe any of this until maybe 2 years ago when I decided to scared the crap out of myself by Googling "reasons to wear sunblock on face."


This product (along with its pink sister bottle), is beloved by many, and if it is good enough for chic French ladies it is good enough for me! I've been using the same product for some 4 odd years now; it takes off makeup and crap off, is not harsh on your face, and over time makes your skin calm and lovely like a sleepy puppy.


LASTLY this mystical liquid elixir smells like fresh honey ripped from some bees honeycomb, it is v. gentle even for people whose faces decide to spring into allergic action at the slightest slap (like mine.) I actually love it, even though at the time I was getting annoyed at my dermatologist for trying to sell me stuff while ripping half my face off at the same time. My bad Diana. In closing, everybody has their fave face stuff, and while some may find it boring, (they're, probably, not reading this right now), I find it wildly entertaining. Happy face-caring!!

Sometimes I Get Real Overzealous

Sometimes I Get Real Overzealous

! Vancouver !

! Vancouver !