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Intro to Blogging Pt. 1

Intro to Blogging Pt. 1


Hello internet, If you are reading this I probably already know you. However, if by some miracle this ends up circulated outside of the 3 people I sent this link to, my name is Layla, I am a gyal residing in Toronto that graduated in June 2015 who is very into writing, travelling, cooking, reading, clothing (I think thats a verb), and the creative arts (sculpting, sewing, painting etc.) I’ve decided to go the road more travelled, and start a blawg. As I am no longer ensconced in the warm loving belly (...) of an educational institution, I was worried I would have to give up writing. I also wanted a way to consolidate and share my photography that wasn’t Facebook, as well as talk about books I'm reading, things that catch my eye, and foodz I'm cooking. Then I realized that the internet exists and that I could very possibly do all of the above! So I've decided to create a hobbyist dumping ground. There will be stuff to stare at, read, and cook. There may even be some tales. "From Layls!?!" you may ask. Perhaps.

Highest regards,


