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Never trust someone with that many ice cubes in their tea

Never trust someone with that many ice cubes in their tea

Sometimes, I remember songs from when I was younger. Mostly playground songs like Ms Mary Mack or songs about tug boats or choir songs from when I lived in New Jersey, about rejoicing and being joyful and thankful and singing hallelujah all the time. These are some of my favourite memories, because they often spring up like little packages. Surprise deliveries that I wasn’t expecting. The sweetest things that I like to stop and savour. I often remember the lyrics completely perfectly, distilled and untouched. I never know how I remember the words so perfectly, as I usually can’t remember any things such things I learned in university or how to parallel park. Sometimes I want to Google the words just so I can see if I really remember the words as perfectly as I think, or really just to make sure the songs are actually real. I never do it, because I don’t want to shatter the memory I have. I would rather misremember the lyrics.

New beans on the horizon

New beans on the horizon

*sad girl swag* 1 venti coffee

*sad girl swag* 1 venti coffee