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it is now day 9. i repeat. today is day 9.

it is now day 9. i repeat. today is day 9.

I think tiktok will keep me sane. for 3 days i really wanted to become tiktok famous. my content was shit, but my motivation was insurmountable. Even if I can’t go viral, (idc how it happens or how many times I have to catch someone falling down the stairs), I think it’s the content that will keep me sane whilst tetra-packed.

I’m currently watching Nathan For You which IMHO is one of the best and most underrated shows in the history of modern entertainment. You don’t get that funny, you are born that funny.

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and on the 10th day of quarantine my tv gave to me

and on the 10th day of quarantine my tv gave to me

day 8. possibly beginning to crrrrrr-ack

day 8. possibly beginning to crrrrrr-ack