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The words "Dhaka" and "Diary" alliterate perfectly

The words "Dhaka" and "Diary" alliterate perfectly

After an extremely odd movie worthy journey from Pune to Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (can’t lie I copy pasted that), in a pitch-black dark in a van with no seat belts, where I would have wagered 400% that we were going to die, both due to lack of seat belts and the fact that our driver was not on this planet during the 4 hour drive. We flew to Calcutta on a red-eye, and landed in Dhaka at 7 am. I almost made out with the tarmac but then remembered I am both a germaphobe and serial monogamist.

Hunny I’m home

Hunny I’m home


I woke up everyone shopping in our house. Unimpressed, I went back to sleep.


Looks like Fair n Lovely lost their share in the market

Taco Tennis Tequila Tuesday

Taco Tennis Tequila Tuesday

Dhaka cheese so lit

Dhaka cheese so lit



Family love lunch :’)

Family love lunch :’)

Perfectly content making perfect content

Perfectly content making perfect content

Goodbye Jamboree!

Goodbye Jamboree!